About Us
The Raritan Fire Department is a municipally funded, fully volunteer fire company that has provided fire protection to the Borough of Raritan since 1847. We are Somerset County Fire Station 52 and we cover 2 square miles, including residential, government, commercial, industrial, community, and pharmaceutical properties. Our responsibilities also include 3 highways, the traffic circle, the railroad and railroad maintenance terminal, the river, and the canal. The volunteers at Station 52 perform a wide variety of tasks, from fire suppression to vehicle extrication to public safety functions.
Our fire apparatus fleet consists of the following: 3 pumpers (Engine 52-1, Engine 52-2, and Engine 52-3); an aerial truck (Tower Ladder 52); a utility truck (Utility 52); and 2 command vehicles (Car 52 and Car 52-2). We work out of two fire stations: the historic firehouse located on Anderson Street and our headquarters located on North Thompson Street.